Prince Sample Documents
Advanced Aquarist

Advanced Aquarist is an a monthly online magazine for the marine aquarist. The publication is not only advanced about marine matters – its electronic publishing pipeline is also impressive. Advanced Aquarist uses Prince to produce PDF files from the HTML files that are published online. Further, the PDF files are printed and is available for purchase (2007 edition, 2008-1)
Gentium webfonts

Gentium is a beautiful font with an unusually wide range of characters. It has been developed by SIL and released under a liberal license. Therefore, it's an ideal webfont which Prince can put to good use. In this sample document (HTML, CSS, PDF), we replace the main heading with another string by way of the 'content' property in CSS. The replacement is nonsensical in the sense that the glyphs have been borrowed from different scripts. But it looks neat!

Wikipedia's fine collection of articles invites content reuse. By stripping the screen-oriented styling and applying a purpose-built style sheet with Prince, Wikipedia articles can be frozen into PDF files for print or archive. We don't have enough disk space for all Wikipedia articles, but we offer some samples (United States, Norway and Soviet Union) that have been created with the same style sheet (CSS). Notice the two-column layout, the embedded Gentium fonts and the top-floating tables. To create PDF files for your favorite topic, try a command similar to this: